Archive for beautiful

How would you describe love?

Posted in Love with tags , , , , on 01/05/2010 by Alina


Flowers in the rain!!!

Posted in Flowers with tags , , , , , on 14/04/2010 by Alina

Every time it rains I feel like the drops of water clean and refreshing the nature!
For me it is a pleasure to look through the window when it rains or to walk in the rain! 🙂
Have you ever walked through the rain? How would you feel?
These pictures I found a few days ago and I liked very much.
I hope you will enjoy them! 🙂

James Blunt – You’re beautiful/Carry you home

Posted in Music with tags , , , , , on 29/03/2010 by Alina

Roe Deer

Posted in animals with tags , , on 25/01/2010 by Alina

Adult Size. 10 to 25kg, 60 to 75cm at shoulder (bucks – males slightly larger than does – females).
Coloration. Summer: reddish brown. Winter: grey, pale brown or (occasionally) black.
Lifespan. Max: 16 years. Bucks rarely exceed 5 years, does 6 to 7 years. Heavy mortality at and shortly after birth and during first winter.
Social groups. Solitary, forming small groups in winter.
Time of birth. May to June.
Number of offspring. Up to 3, usually 1 or 2 kids.
Gestation period. 9 months (4 months of no embryonic growth followed by 5 months of foetal growth).
Food & feeding. Browsers that actively select different food types including herbs, brambles, ivy, heather, bilberry & coniferous tree shoots.
Origins & history. Roe deer are native to Britain, having been present since before the Mesolithic period (6000 to 10000 years b.p.). Forest clearance and over-hunting led to roe deer becoming extinct in England by 1800 but remained in wooded patches in Scotland. Several introductions during Victorian times and their subsequent, natural spread aided by an increase in woodland and forest planting in the 20th century has meant that roe deer have become widespread and abundant today.
Physical Description.The Roe Deer is a small species of deer, its body is small but strong and supported by short legs, and this gives it a rather stocky solid appearance. The Roe Deer is the smallest species of deer native to Europe. Males tend to be larger and heavier than the females. Male Roe Deer are often called Bucks, while the females are called Does.
Roe Deer have a small delicate looking head. The muzzle is normally the same colour as the rest of the pelage, but the nose is a very distinct black colour. There is also a noticeable black ‘moustache’ of fur on the under lip. There are often white markings on the chin and upper throat. The ears are large and oval-shaped, being ringed with black fur, the insides of the ears have soft white fur.
Diet.Roe Deer feed on a variety of twigs, bark, grasses and bushes. They will feed on agricultural crops.
Vocalization. When alarmed bucks and does (males and females) give a short bark, which is often repeated. During the rut does make a high-pitched piping call to attract a buck that makes a rasping noise as he courts the doe

Flowers and them beauty

Posted in Flowers with tags , , on 20/01/2010 by Alina

Make-up 3

Posted in Make-up with tags , on 13/01/2010 by Alina

The beautiful fire bird

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on 05/01/2010 by Alina

One day in the ancient times, the sun looked down and saw a large bird with bright red and dazzling gold feathers. The sun god blessed him, “Glorious Phoenix, you shall be my bird and live forever!”
The Phoenix was overjoyed to hear these words and sang, “I shall sing my songs for you alone!” But living forever didn’t make him happy for long. Men, women, and children were always chasing him, wanting some of those beautiful, shiny feathers for themselves. Tired, the phoenix flew off toward the east, where the sun rises in the morning. The Phoenix flew for a long time, and then came to a far away, hidden desert where no humans lived. Here, flying freely he would sing the songs of praise to the sun alone.
Five centuries passed. The Phoenix was still alive, but it had grown old. It couldn’t soar so high in the sky, nor fly as fast or as far as it was young. It wasn’t as strong. The Phoenix sang, “Sun, glorious sun, make me young and strong again!” The sun didn’t answer. When the sun still didn’t answer, the Phoenix decided to return to the place of its origin. The journey was long, and because the Phoenix was old and weak, it had to rest along the way. Each time it landed, it collected pieces of cinnamon bark and all kinds of fragrant leaves. When at last the bird returned to its home, it landed on a tall palm tree. Right at the top of the tree, the Phoenix built a nest with the cinnamon bark and lined it with the fragrant leaves. Then the Phoenix collected myrrh, a sharp-scented gum and made an egg from it. It carried the egg back to the nest.
The Phoenix sat down in its nest, and once again, sang, “Sun, glorious sun, make me young and strong again!” This time the sun heard the song. It shone down on the mountainside with all its strength. Everyone, every animal, reptile, bird hid from the sun’s fierce rays — in caves and holes, under shady rocks and trees.
Only the Phoenix sat upon its nest at the top of the tallest palm tree on the highest mountain and let the sun’s rays beat down upon it beautiful, shiny feathers. Suddenly there was a flash of light, flames leaped out of the nest, and the Phoenix became a big round ball of fire.
After a while the flames died down. Strangely, the nest and the tree remained unaffected by the fire! But the Phoenix disappeared. Only a heap of silvery-gray ash remained in the nest. Suddenly, the ash began to tremble and slowly heaved itself upware. Rose a young Phoenix. It was small and, like new-born, looked sort of crumpled. But stretching its neck it lifted and flapped its wings. Moment by moment it grew, until it was the same size as the old Phoenix. It looked around, and hollowed the egg made of myrrh. Placing the ashes inside it finally closed the egg. He resumes his Sun song.
As the song ended the climate changed. The clouds emerged, wind began to blow and all the living creatures emerged out of their hiding places. The Phoenix, with the egg in its claws, flew up and away. At the same time, birds of all shapes and sizes rose up from the earth and flew behind the Phoenix. They sang, “You are the greatest of birds! You are our king!”
The birds flew with the Phoenix to the temple of the sun at Heliopolis. The Phoenix placed the egg with the ashes inside on the sun’s altar. And while the other birds watched, it flew off toward the faraway desert. The legend is that the even today the Phoenix lives there. Every five hundred years, when it begins to feel weak and old, it flies west to the same mountain. It again builds a nest atop the palm tree and the sun again burns it to ashes… And from these ashes raises another Phoenix.
This legend has been around for centuries with some variations.
The basic theme is that Phoenix is a supernatural creature. As it dies, it is reborn anew, and rises from the ashes to live again.
Other legends say that it lays a huge egg in the burning coals of the fire which hatches into a new Phoenix to resume the life cycle. Greek and Roman myths consider the Phoenix a symbol of immortality and resurrection, associated with the Sun god Phoebus (Apollo). Phoenix is the Greek word for “red”, which links this magical bird to fire and the sun. It is said to resemble an eagle or a peacock
Jewish have a different legend.
Is the Milcham for the Jews. The tradition is that after Eve tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit and ate it herself – losing immortality and chastity – she became jealous of the immortality and purity of the others in the garden. She persuaded every animal, every bird to eat the forbidden apple. Everyone fell. The only bird that refused to yield to the temptation, the wiles of the eve was the phoenix. God rewarded the phoenix by setting him up in a walled city where he could live in great peace for 1000 years. At the end of every 1000-year period, the bird is consumed by fire and reborn from an egg found in its ashes.

“It’s best to have failure happen early in life. It wakes up the Phoenix bird in you so you rise from the ashes.”Anne Baxter

“The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune’s spirit; revive from ashes and rise». Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

The garden of love

Posted in Flowers with tags , , on 28/12/2009 by Alina

I would like to stay between these beautiful flowers every day 🙂
It’s just magnificent.

The Sunflower

Posted in Flowers with tags , , on 19/12/2009 by Alina

Once upon a time the earth was even more beautiful than it is today. The water was pure and deep, reflecting within itself the sunlight which gave life to all the creatures beneath the waves.
The earth was green with many kinds of trees and plants. These gave food and shelter to the birds, the animals, and to all mankind. At night the air was so clear that the starlight gave a glow almost as bright as the moon.
The people of the earth lived close to nature. They understood it and honored it and never took more than what they needed from it. The people lived in peace so they prospered and began to build many nations all around the world according to nature’s climate.
But one day, a terrible thing happened. A strange spirit of greed entered the hearts of mankind. People began to be jealous of one another, and they were not satisfied will all the good things they already had. The nations wanted more and more of everything: more land, more water, more resources. They squeezed precious minerals from the earth to build terrible weapons to defend their nations from other greedier nations. They killed one another. They polluted the air and the water with poisons. Nature began to die. This is called war. War is ugly. It destroys love and hope and peace.
Then one day a magical thing occurred. The birds of the air, the animals of the land, and the creatures beneath the waters came to an agreement: if they were to survive, something would have to be done to stop these wars. Only through peace could their world survive.
“We cannot speak the human language,” they declared, “and mankind can no longer understand ours. We must find among us a symbol of peace so brilliant that all who see it will stop and remember that peace and sharing is beautiful.”
“I am what you need,” said a golden sunflower. “I am tall and bright. My leaves are food for the animals, my yellow petals can turn plain cloth to gold, my seeds are many and are used for food by all living beings. Yet, the seeds I drop upon the ground can take root and I will grow again and again. I can be your symbol of peace.”
All nature rejoiced, and it was decided that the birds would each take one sunflower seed and that they would fly over every nation and plant the seed in the earth as a gift. The seeds took root and grew, and the sunflowers multiplied.
Wherever the sunflowers grew, there seemed to be a special golden glow in the air. The people could not ignore such a magical sight.
Soon they began to understand the message of the sunflowers so they decided to destroy all of their terrible weapons and to put an end to the greed and to the fear of war. They chose the sunflower as a symbol of peace and new life for all the world to recognize and understand.
A ceremony was celebrated by planting a whole field of sunflowers. Artists painted pictures of the sunflowers, writers wrote about them, and the people of the world were asked to plant more sunflowers seeds as a symbol of remembrance.
All nature rejoiced once more as the golden sunflowers stood tall with their faces turned eastward to the rising sun, then following the sun until the setting in the west.
They gave their goodness to the world so that everyone who sees a sunflower will know that the golden light of peace is beautiful.
Sunflowers have become the symbol of a world free of nuclear weapons. After Ukraine gave up its last nuclear warhead, the Defense Ministers of the US, Russia and Ukraine met on a former Ukrainian missile base, June 4, 1996. They celebrated by scattering sunflower seeds and planting sunflowers. Former US Secretary of Defense William Perry said, “Sunflowers instead of missiles in the soil will ensure peace for future generations.”